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World War I History Commission Questionnaires

Military Service Record and Nurses' Questionnaires submitted by WWI military and civilian personnel. Also includes content submitted by counties and cities such as draft board records, solider biographies, and military unit histories.

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Books and Periodicals

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia Communities in War TimeFirst Series. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1926.

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia Communities in War Time—Second Series. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1927. 

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia Military Organizations in the World War. With Supplement of Distinguished Service. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1927.

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia War Agencies: Selective Service and Volunteers. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1926.

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia War History in Newspaper Clippings. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1924.

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginia War Letters, Diaries and Editorials. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1925.

Davis, Arthur Kyle, ed. Virginians of Distinguished Service in the World War. Richmond, VA: Virginia War History Commission, 1923.

Looney, J. Jefferson. “‘I really never thought war was so cruel’: The Veterans’ Questionnaires of the Virginia War History Commission.” Virginia Cavalcade 50, no. 3 (Summer 2001): 124–133. F221.V73

Virginia War History Commission. Virginia War History Commission Supplement, No. 1–4. Richmond, 1921. Reprinted from Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, v. 29, Jan.–Oct. 1921.

Archival Resources

Virginia War History Commission. Individual Service Records (Questionnaires), 19191924 (bulk 19191921). Acc. 37219. State government records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA. Also available on microfilm: Acc. 35156 (Main microfilm cabinet 90, reels 1–60).

Virginia War History Commission. Virginians of Distinguished Service Records, 19221925. Acc. 37219. State government records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA. Reference Files, 1922–1923. Available on microfilm: Miscellaneous Reels 4694–4701.