Provides the largest collection of freely available digitized genealogical records in the world, and is international in scope. All users must create a free account and log in to be able to view items. Please note: The Library of Virginia is a FamilySearch affiliate library which enables onsite users to have access to 400 million digitized records that are otherwise only available at LDS Church family history centers.
Catalog: Includes many digitized records that have not yet been indexed by FamilySearch, such as original county and city records and abstracts of records as well as early birth, marriage, and death registers from the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
Digital Library: Provides access to family histories, yearbooks, directories, maps, and more.
Wiki: A good starting point for genealogical research for any country.
Catalog: Includes many digitized records that have not yet been indexed by FamilySearch, such as original county and city records and abstracts of records as well as early birth, marriage, and death registers from the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
Digital Library: Provides access to family histories, yearbooks, directories, maps, and more.
Wiki: A good starting point for genealogical research for any country.
Business records include ledger books, payroll books, cotton ginning books, work rules, account books, and receipts. Personal papers include family correspondence, diaries, and wills. Coverage: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida plantations.